The Concept

xAI GPT is an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) model created to help with anything related to cryptocurrency and blockchain. Its functionality is based on the fundamental ideas of GPT, which must be understood in order to grasp how it works and what it can do. This guide will help to educate the reader on the ideas behind xAI GPT, providing a comprehensive look at how this powerful technology can be utilized. Those with an interest in AI, developers, and researchers will benefit from an in-depth understanding of xAI GPT and its potential.

X GPT Model:

  1. Machine Learning X GPT is a highly advanced AI model that has been improved upon through significant machine-learning open-source model training. It has evolved into the powerful AI model that it is today.

  2. Language Modeling Our Machine Learning Engineers trained GPT on a dataset of comprehensive details related to Blockchain Technologies, Crypto, Technical Analysis, Security Audits, and many more categories from this domain. This comprehensive dataset enabled us to generate a high number of features in our offerings.

  3. Transformer - Self Attention & Acyclic Directed Graphs It works by utilizing self-attention to encode the contextual relationships between words, which allow it to produce text that captures both the context of the current sentence and the meaning of the original text. X GPT is a powerful text generation tool that can quickly generate coherent, realistic text based on the input provided.

  4. Generative AI X GPT is a generative AI model that is capable of producing information in response to an input known as a "prompt" that is related or related to Crypto. This allows it to answer any user questions on these topics.

  5. Context Awareness Contextual awareness is the embodiment of all the nuances of human learning, encompassing the questions of "who", "where", "when" and "why" that influence human decisions and behavior.

GPT-4 is an advanced multimodal model that not only takes text or image inputs but also outputs text. Its broad general knowledge and powerful reasoning capabilities enable it to solve more complex problems with greater accuracy and efficiency than ever before. Moreover, GPT-4 has been optimized for chatbots but it is also effective for traditional completion tasks.​



GPT-4 model with improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, and more. The model has been optimized for maximum output of 4096 tokens and utilizes parallel function calling to speed up response times. This model is not yet suitable for production traffic, but it is a preview model that can be used for experimenting and testing.

128,000 tokens

Up to Apr 2023


Ability to understand images, in addition to all other capabilties. Returns a maximum of 4,096 output tokens. This is a preview model version and not suited yet for production traffic.

128,000 tokens

Up to Apr 2023


Currently points to gpt-4-0613.

8,192 tokens

Up to Sep 2021


Currently points to gpt-4-32k-0613.

32,768 tokens

Up to Sep 2021


Snapshot of gpt-4 from June 13th 2023 with improved function calling support.

8,192 tokens

Up to Sep 2021


Snapshot of gpt-4-32k from June 13th 2023 with improved function calling support.

32,768 tokens

Up to Sep 2021

gpt-4-0314 Legacy

Snapshot of gpt-4 from March 14th 2023 with function calling support.

8,192 tokens

Up to Sep 2021

gpt-4-32k-0314 Legacy

Snapshot of gpt-4-32k from March 14th 2023 with function calling support.

32,768 tokens

Up to Sep 2021

Last updated